- 1. Fiat G.50 enclosed canopy. Suggested
kit: Secter/Hasegawa Fiat G.50.

In order to fit the Clear-Vax canopy, cut away the rear of kit part A7 at
the line marked X on the drawing.
Suggested references: Ali d'Italia No.6; Profile 188; Modelaid 17.
- 2. Fiat G.50 standard canopy. Suggested
kit: Secter/Hasegawa Fiat G.50.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item.
- 3. Fiat G.55. Suggested kit: Classic
Airframes Fiat G.55.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item.
Suggested references: Ali d'Italia No.10; Profile 188; Replic No.90.
- 4. IAR 80. Suggested kit: LTD IAR 80.

The Clear-Vax canopy
is designed for display in the open position and directly replaces the kit
Suggested references: Scale Aviation Modeller International April 1996; Squadron/Signal Special No.6080 'Rumanian Airforce in WWII'.
- 5. Lavochkin LaGG-3 (Series 1 to 35). Suggested
kit: LTD LaGG-3.

The Clear-Vax main canopy
section directly replaces the kit item. Before fitting the rear windows, cut
the shaded area (marked X on the drawing) away from the kit fuselage. As the
LTD kit is of the Series 66 model there are numerous changes needed to convert
to the earlier types. Check your references carefully.
Suggested reference: LaGG Fighters In Action No.163 (Squadron/Signal).
- 6. Lavochkin LaGG-3 (Series 66). Suggested
kit: LTD LaGG-3.

Fitting of this canopy
is as above.
- 7. Lavochkin La-5/7. Suggested kit:
Hobbycraft La-5/7.

This is not the world's
most accurate kit. The wing is suitable for the La-7 only. The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item and is separated into sections for display
in the open position.
Suggested references: La-5/7 Fighters In Action No.169 (Squadron/Signal).
- 8. Polikarpov I-16 Type 5. Suggested kit:
Hobbycraft I-16 Type 5/6.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item. The dotted line marked X on the drawing shows
the kit outline. This area should be built up using plastic card. Canopy guide
rails (as marked Y) should be added using thin plastic card. Fill in the entry
door on the right fuselage side - this was not present on Type 5 aircraft.
Using the drawing as a guide, build a new gunsight from plastic rod and thin
wire. Other changes to the kit include reshaping the exhaust cutouts, plus
adding two more in the lower cowl, and deleting the wing flaps while lengthening
the ailerons. Check your references carefully.
Suggested references: Polikarpov Fighters In Action part 2 No.162 (Squadron/Signal); Red Stars in the Sky part 1; Scale Aviation Modeller International April 1997; Scale Models August 1979 [very good plans I-16 Type 18 & 24].
- 9. Polikarpov I-16 Type 10 "Super Mosca".
Suggested kit: Hobbycraft I-16 Type 10.

This canopy represents
the Spanish type fitted to Spanish-built Type 10s. Referring to the drawing,
note that the fuselage spine needs to be raised (the dotted line shows the
kit outline). Delete the entry door on the right fuselage side.
- 10. Polikarpov I-16 standard type. Suggested
kits: all Hobbycraft I-16s.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item.
- 11. Yakovlev Yak-1. Suggested kit:
Accurate Miniatures Yak-1.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item and is intended for display in the open position.
Suggested references: Yak Fighters In Action No.78 (Squadron/Signal); Scale Aviation Modeller International February 1999.
- 12. Yakovlev Yak-1B. Suggested kit:
Accurate Miniatures Yak-1B.

The Clear-Vax canopies
are separated for display in the open position and directly replace the kit
items. Note that the windscreen has been altered in shape for better accuracy,
as has the lower framing on the fixed rear piece.
- 13. Yakovlev Yak-7/7V early type. Suggested
kit: ICM Yak-7 or 7V.

The rear of the front
sliding section is designed to overlap the fixed centre section.
- 14. Yakovlev Yak-7/7V late type. Suggested
kit: ICM Yak-7 or 7V.

In order to fit the
front section carefully remove the shaded area from the kit fuselage.
- 15. Yakovlev Yak-9. Suggested kit:
ICM Yak-9 series.

The Clear-Vax canopy
directly replaces the kit item and is intended for display in the open position.
In order to fit the windscreen, carefully trim the kit fuselage in the area
marked X on the drawing.